Posts Tagged ‘DIY’

How To: Making Homemade Butter



Don’t lie, you know what butter is! It is very likely that you have had it at some point either through cooking or just on toast. But making butter is actually really fun, no less a workout too! Let’s get cooking!

Ingredients & Supplies:

  • 1 pint of heavy whipping cream
  • 1/8 teaspoon of salt (you could also add the seasonings of your choice to make a unique homemade butter!)
  • 2 Jars of some kind, mason is recommended. (if you would like to keep the buttermilk, 2 jars are necessary, otherwise just use one.)
  • Strainer
  • Marbles (clean), add as many or as little as you like for an optional helper to see if your butter is done. I recommend 2!

Let’s Cook!

  1. First pour your heavy whipping cream into your jar of choice. Make sure it’s cold, and pour into the jar until it is about halfway full. Add your marbles if desired.
  2. Make sure to screw your cap on tight, it’s gonna be a mess otherwise!
  3.  Shake the jar for 8-10 minutes, this is the workout! If your arm gets tired, make sure to switch off, but still shake.
  4.  Check on the progress. Take a quick break to see the changes happening to the heavy whipping cream, it might be staring to solidify if the marbles are becoming quieter!
  5. Add seasonings of choice, and put the lid back on.
  6.  Shake for about another 8 or so minutes. You will know when the butter is ready if you feel a lump when shaking and/or can’t hear the marbles.
  7. Dump the contents of the jar into a strainer to separate the lump of butter from the creamy liquid. If 2 jars were used, put the butter into the second jar. (This leftover liquid is buttermilk, which you can save for things like homemade waffles!)
  8. Taste-test, and then put in the fridge for later! (I bet that thanksgiving turkey is begging for your butter.)

Enjoy your butter!